In many cases, the indoor air quality (IAQ) in the spaces we spend the majority of our time is significantly degraded, leading to health problems and even reduced cognitive function.
The lessons on this site will help you understand the causes of IAQ problems and inform you about practical solutions to improve IAQ.
Breathe Easy
Improving Indoor Air Quality
Good indoor air quality is crucial for our health and well-being. On this website, you will learn how to create healthier spaces for everyone.
A Collaboration with UC Davis and the California Department of Public Health
We've created simple video lessons to help you manage your building's indoor air quality.
Want to get an overview for our IAQ lessons?
Watch our animated introductory videos now

Indoor Air Quality Basics

IAQ and Respiratory Diseases

Strategies and Methods for IAQ Assessment
Meet the Presenters

Richard Corsi
UC Davis College of Engineering
Dr. Richard L. Corsi received his B.S. in environmental resources engineering from Humboldt State University and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in civil (and environmental) engineering from UC Davis. He was instrumental in helping develop a new environmental engineering program at the University of Guelph, and built a research program there that focused on gas-liquid mass transfer and emissions of toxic chemicals from municipal wastewater.
Chris Cappa
Professor/Department Chair
UC Davis Civil and Environmental Engineering
Professor Cappa is interested in quantifying and understanding the processes that control the emission, evolution, and impacts of atmospheric aerosols. TheĀ Cappa groupĀ carries out laboratory and field studies, and develops and applies simple models, to characterize and predict aerosol physical, chemical and optical properties.

Theresa Pistochini
Co-Director of Engineering
UC Davis Western Cooling Efficiency Center
Theresa Pistochini is Co-Director of Engineering at the UC Davis Energy Efficiency Institute and Western Cooling Efficiency Center with 12 years of experience in applied research in energy efficiency and building operation, primarily in the areas of Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning.